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West Werribee Dual Water Supply Project Salt Reduction Plant

The West Werribee Dual Water Supply Project will deliver high quality, Class A recycled water and drinking water to housing estates in the Werribee area, as well as a number of open spaces managed by Wyndham City Council.


The recycled water will come from Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant, where it will be further treated at the salt reduction plant and sent to homes and open spaces in the Werribee area through a dedicated ‘purple pipe’ recycled water system.


Cathic was contracted to install all of the chemical dosing lines throughout the new Salt Reduction Plant, water sampling systems (wet Racks) and other Various pipework systems.


Before recycled water goes anywhere near our customers, it must go through a stringent treatment process to ensure it meets the requirements of the Environment Protection Authority and the Department of Health.

In the early stages of the West Werribee project, the project team determined that the wastewater from the Western Treatment Plant contains too much salt and was therefore not suitable for delivery to customers. As a result, the project requires a new salt reduction plant at the Werribee Treatment Plant site.


City West Water has contracted TEDRA Australia to build the salt reduction plant at the Western Treatment Plant. Construction is well underway.